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01 01 Payment

Fill in the information about the recipient and sender and the size and weight of the parcel on the website and then pay for the shipping cost.

02 02 Get Label




03 03 Preparing to Ship

Wherever Global offers an exclusive free weekday pickup service! You need to make an appointment one day in advance so that we can arrange for you to pick up your parcel. Alternatively, you can choose to drop off your parcel at any FedEx Office.

04 04 Receiving the Parcel

You will receive your parcel on the estimated delivery date. If required, you can check the real-time shipping status of your parcel on the website.



Wherever Global is an excellent Fedex agent, offering savings of up to 80% on orders placed on the Fedex platform alone.
Dedicated Customer Service
Our dedicated online customer service will provide you with detailed packing instructions to ensure the integrity of your parcel. At the same time, they will answer any questions you may have.
Simple Operation
All you need to do is provide the required information and you are guaranteed a fast turnaround time of 24 hours. You get the order form and print it and stick it on the box.